All Heavendropt products are handmade by the people served by Evergreen Life Services with developmental disabilities and Veterans with disabilities. Products are made in the US out of recycled
military parachutes. All products are organic
and vegan
HEAVENDROPt was conceived during a visit to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. Evergreen CEO, Sue Buchholtz was invited to the base by John Stross, founder of Remember Honor Support, a nonprofit that supports Veterans.
During the visit to MacDill AFB, Sue was shown the careful examination of used parachutes prior to them being cleared for use by the military for additional jumps. Sue saw the potential to develop products from the parachutes that could not be used again. Sue’s vision was to develop a social enterprise that included employing people with disabilities, giving back to Veteran organizations and recycling. This started the development of a business plan and process to make this vision a reality. It has now grown into a program of Evergreen life services where it impacts many different disability communities.
HEAVENDROPt is a part of Evergreen Life Services and is a 501c3 nonprofit. Funds are used to create pathways for individuals with disabilities to live the life they desire. Our goal is to supply meaningful work to people with disabilities.
Currently products are made in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Florida at Evergreen Life Services' facilities.
In 2018, we became a third-party recycling facility exclusively for military parachutes. We currently house all parachutes in our Largo, FL warehouse. That's over 70,000 pounds of used military parachutes from WWII, to Korean war, to Vietnam, to present.
It is our belief that our products don’t just encompass the material, but also help to tell a story. This story of the person who used the parachute in combat and training operations all over the world, to the person with disabilities that puts their heart and soul into making each individual product one-of-a-kind.
Jarrod Adams